What areas do speech language therapists treat in children?

Speech production which includes oral motor, articulation, phonological processes, fluency/stuttering; receptive language (comprehension, listening and reading); expressive language (spoken and written); and pragmatic language (social language skills).

What is language therapy?

Speech language therapists assess and work on receptive language (what a child understands) and expressive language (how a child is able to communicate their thoughts, ideas, needs and desires in a complete and organized manner).

How much of my child’s speech should I and others be able to understand?

By the age of 4 years old, a typical developing child should be 100% intelligible to the unknown listener. Intelligibility to the unknown listener by the age of 3 years, 75%, 2 years, 50%, 1 year, 25%.

What areas do you serve?

MarMac Therapy and Tutoring services is located in Cary, Illinois, and serves families and students K-8th grade) in Cary and surrounding communities in McHenry, Lake, northern Kane and northwestern suburban Cook counties (Barrington, Palatine).

How can I pay for services?

MarMac Therapy and tutoring services Do Not take insurance at this time. We are a small company. We accept Mastercard, Visa, Checks and Cash.

Do you offer services other than speech and language?

Yes. MarMac Therapy and Tutoring services offers tutoring for children Kindergarten-8th grade who struggle with attention and executive functioning (task initiation, planning and prioritizing, flexible thinking).

What should I expect when my child has an evaluation?

An evaluation allows the speech therapist to assess your child’s development. We start with a free consultation (15-20 minute phone call) to discuss your concerns. Next step may be a brief/full screening. From there we discuss whether or not an evaluation is warranted based on developmental milestones and best practices. Evaluations may include formal (standardized testing) and informal assessments, parent/child interview and observation through play.

What are your hours of operation?

MarMac Therapy and Tutoring Services is available M-F after school 4:30-7:00 PM, and Saturday by special appointment. We service children K-8th grade via in person at your home, local library, after school care facility if available, or our home facility.

Is there paperwork I need to fill out prior to an evaluation?

Yes. We have a General Acknowledgement of forms (HIPAA, Child Intake/History, Notice of Privacy Practices, Assumption and Risk, Consent for testing/services if warranted).

Do you involve parents in the treatment process?

Yes! We are partners with you in the success of your child’s development of learned skills and to carryover these learned skills at home and other environments.